Bedroom Bespoke Fitted Wardrobes

Get Your Fitted Furniture Quote

Please fill out the form below to get your custom fitted furniture quote.

Fast Lead Times

10 Year Guarantee

40 Years of Experience

20,000+ Wardrobes Installed

Handmade in the UK

Quote Types

Virtual Quote
Provide room measurements, photos, and design preferences for an estimated price. An in-home visit will follow if you decide to proceed, to confirm measurements before manufacturing.

Home Design Visit
A designer will visit your home to discuss your needs, take measurements, and offer advice. You'll receive a final quote & 3D render of your custom furniture design.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or queries regarding any of our products or services please do not hesitate to get in touch!
(+44) 7593 989247

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It!

Bespoke Fitted Wardrobe Service Area

Our experienced team is ready to design, craft and install bespoke fitted furniture across Surrey & South London.

Explore our interactive Google map to confirm coverage in your area and fill out our contact us form to take the first step towards transforming your bedroom.

South London & Surrey park in the Prestige Bedrooms Surrey Service Area

Checkout Our Inspiration, Tips & Guides

Discover our inspiration, practical tips, and comprehensive guides designed to make your custom fitted furniture journey effortless and enjoyable.